As I continue my study of Ruth, I find myself more and more excited. What a model of godliness this precious sister is. What a wonderful mother-in-law Naomi is.
Naomi is so concerned for Ruth. She wants to ensure that Ruth is well taken care of. She knows that Boaz is probably the one to take care of her. But, she wants to make sure that Ruth approaches Boaz in a right and honorable way.
Naomi doesn't want to create a scandal that would reflect poorly on Ruth or on Boaz.
Naomi wants Ruth to approach Boaz in a way that is respectful.
Naomi wants Ruth to pursue Boaz in a way that is humble.
Naomi advises her dear daughter-in-law
- Wash yourself - Make yourself clean. Get rid of the grime. Confess your sins and be forgiven.
- Anoint yourself - Anoint yourself with sweet smelling oil. Put on your best perfume. But also anoint yourself as the woman you are, the wonderful, godly, humble, beautiful woman that you are.
- Put on your best garment - Don't just put on your comfy sweats or your pajamas. You are a beautiful woman, dress so that he notices.
- Go to him - Don't wait for him to come to you, but go to him. But...
- Don't make yourself known - Don't brazenly pursue him. Don't make a spectacle of yourself. Don't try and get thousands of likes on your best selfie.
- Notice where he lies down - Pay attention to his routine. Know where he goes to rest. Know where he goes to restore himself.
- Go in, uncover his feet, and lie down - Humble yourself. Approach him as a servant. Show him the respect he is due. Show him that you are his.
As I think about my man, I want to be my best for him. I want to look my best for him. But most of all, I want him to know that I am there to help him, to honor him, and respect him.