Friday, July 31, 2015


It's that time of year. Back-to-school shopping time. I have memories from when I was young of shopping for school clothes. Mom might pick,out something that I thought was downright ugly and I never wanted to wear. She would remind me that it was something I needed.

Adam and Eve's attempt at clothing themselves didn't work out. It may have covered them (just barely) but it wasn't going to be enough in the world outside the garden. God took them shopping. Here, wear this. It may not have been what they wanted, but it was what they needed.

God loves us and provides for us. I'll remember that as I walk through my day.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Living One

She's not just woman. She has a name. Eve. Living One. Life Giver.min Hebrew, her name is even contained within the name of the great I Am.

Are you alive or are you just existing? Do you give life to those around you or do you suck the life out of them?

Dear reader, God wants you to have life to the fullest. He wants you to bring life to those around you. Live vividly. You are the living one.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


It doesn't seem like too long ago that we read be fruitful and multiply. But now, after the fall, we are left with the curse. Multiplying will be painful. Instead of complete harmony between husband and wife, there will be discord. If we keep our eyes on ourselves and try to control our husbands, we won't be satisfied. But, if we and our husbands keep our eyes on Christ, we can know harmony!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


We sin. We want to hide from God. We know that God can see us; but still we try to hide. We know God will find us; but still we hide.

It is, of course, better to not have sinned in the first place, but when we do, we should be quick to confess our sin and repent. Isn't it better for us to run to God for forgiveness than for him to come looking for us?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Open Eyes

Adam and Eve sinned and their eyes were opened. They realized they were naked and they covered themselves. God had created them naked and they covered themselves.

What about how God created you are you trying to cover up? Do you feel shame about how you're made and dress to minimize it? Do you dress to impress so that people don't notice something about you?

You are beautiful. God created you to be special and unique. Embrace it. Don't hide it.

Friday, July 24, 2015

But It Looks Good

It's a battle we're still fighting. I know I don't need to have dessert tonight, but oh that piece of pie just looks scrumptious. It won't hurt me. Will it?

I know the speed limit is only 35 here, but I'm running late. It won't hurt if I speed just a little.

We all do things that we know we shouldn't do. It may look good. It may feel good. We may think we're going to receive a benefit from doing it. But we know it's wrong.

When we do something God told us not to do, we sin. We may think we gain some short-term benefits, but it separates us from God. In doing so, we may lead others astray.

“But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous, forgiving us our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9 NET

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Questioning God

Are there voices in your life that are trying to get you to question God?

Is there anything trying to get you to doubt your personal relationship with Him?

Is something making you not remember what He has said?

Curl up in your favorite cozy place and open up your Bible. Remember who He is. Remind yourself of your relationship with Him. Meditate on His truth.

He is there for you. Be with Him!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Naked and innocent.

Exposed but not vulnerable.

Neither ashamed nor embarrassed.

Free from fear. Free from fear of exploitation.

Man. Woman. Very good!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


She shall be called "Woman".

Woman. From the Hebrew 'ishshah. Female. Wife. Woman.

Being called Woman is a good thing. Woman is distinct from Man. Woman is, of course, very good.

She was taken out of Man. Taken. Fetched. Laid hold of. Snatched. Seized. Received. Acquired. The same word for taking a wife is used for the woman being taken out of man. It sounds violent. It sounds forceful. This woman who was taken out of a man. Creating a woman was deliberate. Creating a woman took action.

Celebrate Woman.

Call out Woman.

Be Woman.

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Lord God Made A Woman

Woman, God made you.

You are intentional in your design.

Made from a part taken out of a man, but separate and distinct from the man.

Brought to the man not for subjugation, but to show the completeness of God's creation.

Woman, God made you. It is very good!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Not Alone

Have you ever tried to be fruitful and multiply by yourself? It doesn't work.

God designed us to not be alone. We were designed to have a companion - not just a helper, but someone who is indispensable to us - to walk through life with us.

How precious is it to have found your companion? How wonderful is it to have found the one who corresponds to you? Ladies, know that your husband fills needs for you that you cannot fill on your own. Remember too, dear readers, that you meet needs for your husband that he cannot meet on his own.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

God Blessed Them

When God created man and woman, he did not want them to be alone. He made them fertile and bade them fill the earth. Be fruitful and multiply. Make a family. Make this world your home. Enjoy it all because it is God's blessing for you!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

In His Image

We were created in God's image.

We were created to reflect God's character.

We were created to show what God is like to this world.

Men, women, boys, girls... We were all created in God's image.

We all may show God's image differently, but we all show God's image.

Thank you Father, that I was created in your image!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Can't Buy Me Love

Love is utterly amazing.

Love is able to withstand anything life can throw at it.

Surging waters? Love will stand!

Floodwaters? Love is not overwhelmed.

Aches and pains? Love is there.

A broken heart? Love longs to comfort and heal.

Love is a treasure beyond compare. Love cannot be bought.

Nothing can separate you from God's Love!

Monday, July 13, 2015


You can't help but notice that Solomon takes delight in his bride. Her legs, her breasts, her neck, her hair, Solomon delights in it all. Does it make you perhaps a little jealous because no one looks at you like that?

God delights in you. He may not give you spoken affirmations of how He delights in you. Nevertheless, He greatly delights in you.

If you knew how much He delights in you, would it affect how you go about your day? Does ther mere thought of how much your Lover loves you bring a smile to your face? Does knowing that you'll spend time with your Lover today make you want to jump out of bed and get ready for the day?

Go forth and let your Lover delight in you. Rejoice and delight yourself in Him.

Friday, July 10, 2015


To long for something is to have an earnest or strong desire for it.

To belong is to be in relationship to it.

Longing for your lover is fulfilled in belonging to your lover.

As we belong to Christ, He, too, belongs to us.

We long to be in relationship with Christ. He has longed to be in relationship with us.

Dear reader, there is nothing we have to do but to accept this. Christ alone has done the work to make our relationship with Him possible.

Accept Him as your Lover. You belong to Him and He belongs to you.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


How do you feel when you're not spending time with Christ? Does life keep you busy enough that you don't even notice that you're not spending time with Him? I confess that sometimes that's me. When I focus on Him and remember all that He is and all that He has done for me, I long to spend time with Him. I eagerly desire to spend time with Him and when I cannot, I want to be lovesick.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


What does God see when He looks at you?

Does He see the beauty of a life devoted to Christ or does He see the ugliness of sin?

Does He see fear in your eyes or does He see peace and joy?

Does He see you saving yourself for Him are you exposed before the world?

Does He see you wound up tight trying to project a specific look or does He see you free?

Dear reader, let your Lover see your beauty!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Waiting and Waiting

He is coming. You know that. But yet He hasn't returned yet. The waiting continues. And yet as you wait for Him, let your longing grow. He is coming. He is faithful. He is the lover of your soul. So I wait. I long. He is coming!

Monday, July 6, 2015


Are you aware of what is trying to ruin you? We can know that the devil doesn't want ypu to follow Christ. We know that there are people n this world who want to divert your attention from God's plan. You may have temptations and pet sins that turn your heart from Christ. Call out to Him. Ask Him to catch the foxes. His is your lover. He is your protector.

Friday, July 3, 2015


Jesus is unique. There is no doubt about it. He is God who took on human form to,save us. Fully God. Fully man. There is n other like Him. Do you rest in His shade? He provides rest. He offers protection. Do you eat of His fruit? He is sweet. He nourishes you. He is the Bread of Life. Go a head and have a taste!

Thursday, July 2, 2015


What do you do when you are preparing to be with God? Do you just say "Here I am. Take me as I am." That's OK. Or do you take time to prepare your heart? Do you examine your heart and confess your sin? Do you have a special place that you go to be free from distractions? Remember, nothing that you do makes you more acceptable to God - Jesus did that for you. But there is much you can do to make yourself ready to receive what He has to offer. The lover of your soul awaits you, dear reader. Are you ready for Him?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Follow My Flock

Sometimes, you don't always know where God is leading you. There may be many different voices calling out to you as to which way to go. How do you know which to listen too?

One thought is to find a church that you know is following Christ and to join with them. As you find where God is using them, maybe you'll find where God is leading you.