Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Have you ever been eating one of your favorite meals and something did not taste right? Perhaps someone made a favorite dish from your grandmother's recipe and it didn't taste quite right. After discretely asking, you find that out of necessity (or due to "creativity") a substitution was made to the recipe and it doesn't taste right. It's not fully your grandmother's recipe. It's close, but it's not pure.

God's word is absolutely pure. We may have many different translations, but His Word is absolutely pure. But there are many things that try and pervert Hos Word. Just as we may know Grandma's recipe because we've tasted and enjoyed it so many, many times, we know the pure Word of God by tasting it, by reading it every day. As we go to the source over and over again, we come to know it and we can better recognize when somebody is "changing the recipe." So open up your Bible and feast away!

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