Instead can be such a powerful word. Contrasting bad choices and good choices. Contrasting wrong and right.
We've seen some things in the previous verses that an elder should be but most recently we've seen some things an elder definitely should not be. Here we see a few traits that an elder should have. We can't all be elders, but these are characteristics worthy for us all to pursue.
Are you hospitable? Do you welcome people into your home? Do people feel at home and comfortable when they are with you? This is to be admired.
Are you devoted to what is good? Or are you consumed by the next project that needs to get done around the house? Do people know you by what show you're currently binge watching? Be devoted to what is good. Let it be evident in your life.
Are you sensible or are you known for making outlandish choices? Do you do things and instantly regret it or do you you look back on your day and smile because of a job well done? Do your feet ache at the end of the day because you've dashing about in your fashionable heels or de you feel like you can go another mile in your sensible shoes? Common sense seems uncommon these days, but it should be common to you.
Are you upright or are you down and dirty? Are you righteous or are you known as a sinner? We all know that we are sinners. But we also know that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Don't be down and dirty, dear reader, be clean!
Are you devout? It should be obvious where your loyalties lie. You cannot serve both God and money. Your pursuit of holiness should show in your life. Let there not be any hint of unfaithfulness in you.
Self-controlled. Sometimes self-control is hard to maintain. But self-control comes from God. That may seem paradoxical, but it's not. The closer we come to God, the more Christlike we become, the less influence other things have in our lives. The more we see Jesus, the less we see distractions. The more we become focussed on our Father, the easier it is to maintain our peace when temptation comes our way. Seek ye first the kingdom of God... and self-control will follow.
God wants all of this for you. Seek Him and He will provide.
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