Who can find a wife of noble character? Just by asking the question, it would seem to imply that she is hard to find.
Who is even looking for a wife of noble character? What in fact are they looking for? Is it the beautiful women on the cover of the Sports Illustratated swimsuit edition? Is it the conniving woman of one the Real Housewives shows? Is it the young woman twerking up a storm in a music video? Is it the actress taking off all her clothes in the movie that is almost soft-core pornography? What kind of character do these women have?
The men looking for a wife of noble character are the treasure seekers? “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure, hidden in a field, that a person found and hid. Then because of joy he went and sold all that he had and bought that field. (Matthew 13:44 NET) When these men find a women of noble character, they should drop everything and marry her for she is like the kingdom of heaven. Would one look at me and see the kingdom of heaven? Would one look at me and see noble character? That's what I want to be seen in me. May God in His Grace make it so.
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